Concerned with your baby's development?
You and your child are taking steps you may not have expected. Many Texas families have taken these same steps.
Refer A Child to ECI
Anyone can refer a child to ECI. You can make a referral online or by calling our referral line at (915) 534-4324.
Here are some helpful documents available for download:
Helpful Links
View the Helpful Links section of this site for child development resources, information on services, and links to support groups.
Child Development
Since 1981, Texas Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) has been helping families and their children who are delayed in their development. Some children need extra help growing and learning. Through the years, we have guided families along the way, helping babies and toddlers to reach their full potential.
Although each child is special and they develop at their own pace, it is important to remember that a baby’s brain develops the fastest between birth and three years old.
If you have a concern about your child’s development please don’t wait. Contact our local ECI Child Find office at (915) 534-4324 for a free developmental evaluation or submit a referral online. The El Paso ECI programs look forward to working with you and meeting your child.
Early Hearing Detection
A hearing screening is very important to your baby. Hearing loss occurs in 3 out of 1,000 babies. It is one of the most common birth disabilities. Language learning starts at birth. If your baby can’t hear, learning language is difficult. A newborn hearing test allows you to identify hearing loss early. Timely intervention is key. If intervention begins before your baby is 6 months old significant delays can be prevented.
To ensure that all infants and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational, and medical intervention, an early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) program is essential. Here are some forms to assist in detection:

Your Baby's Hearing
Early Childhood Intervention services help families with children who may have hearing loss

Hearing Checklist
Use this checklist as a first assesment of your child’s hearing abilities.

Roadmap For Families
Find out more about the process for hearing screening tests when you have a newborn.